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Dana F. Charles, A Real Estate Lawyer You Can Trust

At Dana F. Charles P.A., you are guaranteed the work of an experienced, detail-oriented attorney. For 25 years, Dana F. Charles has closed properties in Boca Raton, FL, specializing in Broken Sound Country Club and Bocaire Country Club homes. At Dana F Charles, P.A. our goal is to build long-term relationships with buyers, sellers, or lenders by establishing confidence and peace of mind, knowing you are leaving well represented. We assure you we can control the closing process to help you steer clear of any potential complications. You can count on our detail-oriented work and commitment to our clients with over 25 years of experience.

Achieve a Clean Closing

When it comes to closing, there is a myriad of complex factors to consider. Without the proper paperwork filed and items accounted for, you can run into issues that could delay or jeopardize the closing. That’s why it’s important to rely on a real estate attorney like Dana F. Charles to make sure everything goes smoothly. We pride ourselves on running a fastidious practice. Dana F. Charles is affectionately referred to as “The Cleaner” for her ability to remedy any errors or issues that arise during the closing process. If you want a clean closing, turn to our practice.

Dana F. Charles

Risks/Benefits of Title Insurance

At Dana F. Charles P.A., we can help protect you against any losses that may arise from title issues with the property. Title Insurance can compensate you for defects on the property that were not reflected in public records. These issues or errors consist of anything that could hinder the new owner’s interest in the property itself. Concerns covered by Title Insurance include fraud, forgery, taxes, easements, restrictions, missing heirs, lawsuits, clerk indexing, or judgments that reflect negatively on the property. To protect your investment in this new property, you must purchase title insurance. We will walk you through the process to ensure you are protected against any potentially concerning matters. Reach out to our team today to learn more about enlisting our services.

The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements.

Contact Dana F. Charles, P.A. for Real Estate Law Services