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Choose Dana F. Charles for Real Estate Expertise

Dana is skilled in complex real estate negotiations with both buyers and sellers in the acquisition and disposition of some of the finest properties in South Florida. She is accustomed to working with clients from the experienced investor to the first time buyer or seller. With over 25 years of real estate experience and over 2300 closings, she is committed to providing quality service through her attention to detail and genuine concern for her clients. She brings her invaluable experience, dedication and proven performance.

white florida condo

Experience for Every Step of the Process

With more than a quarter of a century in the Boca Raton real estate market, Dana F. Charles is a known expert on the properties in South Florida. The benefit of working with someone so experienced and adept at every stage of the property buying, selling, and closing process is that you won’t have to go through multiple sources to buy or sell your property. Dana F. Charles can help you find a new property that meets your needs, list an existing property that no longer serves you, and close the deal on any variety of the previous two scenarios. When your real estate lawyer is also your broker associate, the entire process becomes more streamlined and stress-free.

Focused, Detail-Oriented Service

She earned this title after years of fastidious work and attention to detail that brought her great success. Her practice has primarily grown through word of mouth over the past few decades because her work speaks for itself. She creates meaningful relationships with her clients and ensures they come away from every deal or closing with the best possible outcome. If you are looking for a professional real estate expert in Boca Raton, you can’t go wrong with Dana F. Charles. Join her community of satisfied clients and see for yourself why South Florida residents have trusted her work for more than 25 years.

Contact Dana F. Charles, Today for Real Estate Services